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women's trauma therapy program

Trauma can happen to anyone at any time. It is estimated that up to half of all individuals will experience a traumatic event at least once. Women are at higher risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder and other types of negative aftereffects but are often hesitant to seek treatment for their symptoms. However, trauma therapy for women can make a big difference in healing. There are many ways that aftereffects of trauma can impact women’s physical, mental, and emotional health. When seeking mental health counseling in Texas, it may be good to look for a trauma-informed program focused on women’s recovery.

How Does Trauma Affect Women’s Health?

Even though the event that created the trauma may have happened a long time ago, the effects can be far-reaching. Sometimes, the woman may not make the connection between a traumatic event of the past and problems occurring in the present. Here are some ways in which trauma can affect women’s health:

  • Women who have experienced trauma are at higher risk for mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.
  • Often, aftereffects of trauma can manifest in disordered eating or disordered sleeping.
  • Post-traumatic stress can cause elevated blood pressure, poor circulation, increased heart rate, and other significant health issues.
  • Women who are trauma survivors can be at the mercy of flashbacks, nightmares, and other manifestations of PTSD.
  • Women can become prone to addiction due to trying to alleviate symptoms of post-traumatic stress.
  • Post-traumatic stress symptoms can have a major impact on a woman’s ability to work, attend school, engage with family, and maintain healthy relationships.

What Is a Women’s Trauma Therapy Program in Texas Like?

Unlike a traditional therapy program, a trauma-focused therapy program for women focuses on helping women uncover the roots of their trauma and learn how it is connected to things happening in the present. There is still a focus on treating and relieving symptoms of any mental health issues present. Still, the most important goal of the program is to help women heal from trauma by regaining a sense of security and confidence in life. Some of the elements of a women’s trauma therapy program are:

  • Individual treatment plans for each client, based on assessments by licensed therapeutic staff
  • Cognitive-behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
  • Individual and group counseling
  • Development of skills that encourage increased confidence and healthy coping skills
  • Complementary therapies such as yoga, art, and other wellness development activities

All of these therapeutic approaches both evidence-based and holistic create a foundation that any woman can turn to for healing.

What Are the Benefits of Women’s Trauma Therapy?

Women who have survived trauma need a supportive, caring environment to help them heal and regain a sense of safety. Clients will become part of a therapeutic community of staff and peers who work to support and uplift one another during a women’s trauma therapy program. Women who participate in a trauma-focused therapy program will be able to process their experiences in a setting where they are understood and embraced, not judged or shamed. Trauma-focused therapy programs operate by believing that the best way to heal is to understand.

Discover How Grace Counseling Believes in Healing for Survivors

Women can heal in a supportive and recovery-focused setting at our treatment centers in Fort Worth and Lewisville, Texas. We are committed to helping our clients recover from trauma, mental health issues, and substance abuse. If you or a loved one has experienced trauma and are ready to seek help, reach out to our compassionate and caring staff today at 844.564.0712. We can help you take the first steps towards recovery and healing.